
Control Chapter 8 Memories Of The Past

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Disclaimer: You already know! Thanks for the support! Sorry for the slow updating! =D


Chapter 8: Memories of the Past

Hal's P.O.V

I held Eve in my arms; Tom was still in the room however he was more interested in something on the wall. Sophie and Annie were God knows where, which made it harder to get Eve to stop crying.

"Please, don't do that, little baby. Help! Anyone!" I shouted trying to calm her down, but no one responded and Eve did not settle down.

"Annie's made a rota." Tom said pointing at a piece of paper on the wall…a new rota! I already had a rota and this would disrupt it and Annie knew exactly what would happen if my routine was disrupted.

"I already have a rota." I replied bringing myself and the baby round to where Tom was standing, we both looked at the new rota that was colour coded and full of glitter and pictures.

"7A.M, I feed the baby. 8A.M, you walk the baby. There's a task for every hour and its colour coded." Tom said as he surveyed the monstrosity, this would not go well, I couldn't change my routine or the whole of South Wales would no longer exist.

"Little pictures of nappies and bottles. And glitter." I added she must have spent a while planning this…while we were both down the café…why hadn't Sophie said anything about it? "She's planned every moment of every minute of every day of our lives."

"We must destroy this." Tom whispered as he turned towards me and the baby. I nodded in agreement if this piece of paper didn't exist then we wouldn't have to go by Annie's routine.

"What must you destroy?" a voice asked, when had Sophie entered the room. Tom and I exchanged looks before we turned around to find Sophie standing there. She opened her arms taking Eve off of me. "Do the two bad men not want to take care of you?"

And just like that Eve stopped crying, she seemed to like Sophie even if she was the same species as the people that were trying to kill her. Just as she quietened down the doorbell rang, Annie immediately appeared taking the baby off of Sophie and walking further back into the room. Tom grabbed a stake as we both headed towards the door.

"Would they ring the doorbell?" Sophie questioned looking back at Annie who shrugged as she bounced Eve up and down to calm her down. Surely if they were here for the baby they wouldn't announce themselves. Tom opened the door as I immediately grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt, he wasn't a vampire but he could well be the man with the burnt arm, the person that was going to kill the baby.

"Check his arms!" Annie yelled from the front room, Tom began looking for burns…he didn't have any, what was this guy doing here? He looked as if he'd stepped out of the 60s or maybe the 70s.

"What are you doing here?" I growled getting a reaction that I had never gotten in all my life, he laughed, even if it was slightly.

"Calm down, Hal, Tom." He replied I looked over at Tom who looked confused. How did this man know who we are? "Annie, Nina sent me to see if you're alright."

"Nina sent you?" Annie inquired as she came to the door, did werewolves even have ghosts? Vampires certainly didn't, but then again we turned into dust when we died. Annie then began questioning the man as to how he knew Nina and then he said something that registered immediately with Annie. Kirby was going to stay with us for a while…but something told me he wasn't all what he seemed.

Sophie's P.O.V

Once the whole thing was sorted with Kirby, routine returned to the house, even if it wasn't the routine that Annie had made for the baby. Hal was in the kitchen doing his mid-day press-ups, while I sat reading…an excuse to watch him working out with his top off. After we gave up blood Hal never really took off his shirt, only until Leo brought in the routines.

"What do you think of Kirby?" I asked as I idly looked over the book, stealing looks as he continued his work out.

"As of yet, I can't say. What about you? Feel anything out of the ordinary?" he replied there was something not precisely right with Kirby, it was just too sudden and too convenient for him to be a friend of Nina, that so happened to have been asked to come back and look after the baby.

"I don't know, he's just bizarre." I answered if Hal could have nodded, I think he would have, but he was too busy doing some push-ups.

"90... 91..."

Annie entered the room holding Eve; obviously it was time for Hal to take care of the baby.

"Hal?" she asked looking round the room, I pointed to the floor.


"Hal, um, it's 12 o'clock, so baby massage and stimulating story time." She stated although Hal didn't respond and he kept on going with his push-ups.

"He does push-ups at 12 o'clock Annie." I stated as he continued on she nodded but something told me she wouldn't give up with this routine…and neither would Hal with his insistence that he needed to stick to his routine. Since we came here though, he didn't have the reliance on the old routine as much; he was able to work without the overwhelming need to kill all those in the café.

"98... 99..."

"100, Great! Um, Eve needs to..." Annie interjected his counting; she really wanted him to be part of this rota, like she did the rest of us.

"102... 103... 104..."

"Kirby's great, isn't he?" she asked making some small talk, maybe she was trying to wait for Hal to finish his push-ups, but then he was going to listen to Radio 4 like he always did, while I cleaned the kitchen.

"Erm, I don't know really." I replied Hal continued doing his push-ups.


"He's quite funny too." Annie said to no one in particular, maybe she was trying to make Hal uncomfortable so he would stop his work out and he would take the baby. "Now you're just showing off!"

"I can't do twelve till one." Hal said as he finished his work out and grabbed a towel.

"Yes, but it's on the rota." She reasoned it was fairly enough, but Hal would never go against his routine.

"Yes, but on my rota it says 12 o'clock, press-ups, then 'You and Yours' on Radio 4." He retaliated I never really understood why he listened to 'You and Yours' I think it was a habit he picked up from Leo, he could have at least picked up listening to music every day, it would have been better for the whole of the house.

"Oh!" she mumbled maybe she was finally giving into Hal, and maybe he'd get his way like he generally always did.

"It's important. It keeps me..." he began as he rested an arm on the back of my chair.

"Buff?" she finished I tried to resist the urge to laugh.

"No." he answered I nodded mouthing a yes to Annie; I resisted the urge to drag a hand down his well-toned abs.

"Up to date with consumer affairs?" Annie asked Hal shook his head; I knew where this was going.

"No, it keeps me from killing." Hal replied Annie immediately when quiet, she understood exactly what could happen if he went off the handle, hell we all did…but I'd seen him over the years, his ruthlessness, his cold-heartedness and the pure evil he could become. "And you've seen me. This is how I focus and control it."

"So you take it out on your pecks." Annie joked earning the tiniest smiles off of Hal; he hadn't smiled for a long time…it was generally a smirk.

"Better them than humanity." Hal added he could seriously ruin some jokes.

"Hal, we're meant to be a team." Annie stated looking between us, I looked over at Hal it wasn't polite to ignore the requests of the person who allowed you to stay with them.

"Ok." He sighed in defeat making Annie smile.

"And when you said humanity you meant..." she asked looking between the two of us.

"Everyone." I answered solemnly, if we did go off the handle the world would finally understand what lurked within the shadows.

"I'd kill everyone I encountered until I was sated. Barry, Cardiff, most of South Wales." He added Annie nodded; maybe she wasn't so shocked about the level of violence because she had lived with another vampire, Herrick's protégé to be precise; the Box Tunnel murderer.

"Right, not all bad, then. Ok..." she replied as she handed Eve over to Hal. "Well, don't forget to use lavender oil for the massage. Ok?"

"I never forget anything." He mused as he looked up from Eve who was kicking her leg, to Annie who was smiling.

"It must be lovely being you. Always the cleverest and the oldest and never forget anything for hundreds of years." She said it was quite fun to remember all the changes that had happened, I just wished I could forget all the faces of the victims we had.

"No. It's terrible." He replied Annie nodded before she left. Hal carefully shifted Eve in his arms.

"Is uncle Hal going to look after you Eve?" I cooed as I stood up playing with the baby's tiny hand she giggled shifting slightly in Hal's arms. I looked up at Hal who was smiling.

"She likes you better." He stated I knew he was trying to get out of looking after her, but I had to go and do some shopping for Annie. "Do you ever think about it?"

"About what?" I asked as I let go of her hand, I think I knew where he was going to go. He'd ask me about it a few times already.

"About before all this." He answered nodding down towards the child. "About us and children."

"I did, still do, but my father never approved of you." I mused thinking back to how Hal and I always had to sneak away as to not be caught by my father. My mother approved of him, but it was always up to my father back then.

"Wouldn't have stopped us."

Author's Notes:

Hi! Thanks for the support and sorry for the slow updating that made you worry and think I'd never finish this. Hope you enjoyed! I just realised the title of the actual episode 'A Spectre Calls' is based on the amazing book 'An Inspector Calls' sometimes I never notice things like this haha! I really want to read the book again now! If you haven't read it I suggest you do! At the moment I'm reading 'The Great Gatsby' because it's being re-done by the director of 'The Moulin Rouge' so it should be really good! Well thanks for the support once more! Ciao for now!
Chapter 8 of Control
© 2012 - 2024 XXroflnesshaXX
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